Puppet Myths - The Cornucopia and the Titans

Video below!

Welcome to the first two handed (woo hoo!) Puppet History and the first Greek Myth Puppet History telling the story of the Titans and the origin of the Cornucopia (or the horn of plenty - you see it a lot in art).

WARNING: This is a Greek Myth, if you don't know your Greek Myths they can be pretty weird, and there's a bit of violence - so in this episode there is some eating of children, and vomiting. Nice huh? (Story chosen by my 4 year old)

As always there's a large dose of artistic licence and things to bear in mind with this episode

  • apologies, at one point I call Rhea Hestia - she is Rhea;

  • Amalthea the goat and Zeus actually lived in a cave on Mount Ida on Crete, but my 4 year old and me decided we preferred an island (we have cabin fever);

  • and the Gods didn't destroy the Titans - they defeated and imprisoned them (That’s another story).

So if you are doing serious research, then maybe don't start here! Apart from that I hope you enjoy! Those Greek myths are pretty weird, huh?!