Child-Friendly Tours For My Kids in London

Our family-friendly tours can be adapted for children of all ages - toddlers, tweenies, teenagers...and even the accompanying adults! 

These tours can be stand alone or combined

There is almost always an outdoor component to these tours so dress appropriately (we have lots of showers, it can be cold, wear comfy shoes) and do bring snacks and drinks to keep your little ones happy!

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a knight’s tale at the Tower of London

The Tower of London tour - fun for all the family!

The Tower of London tour - fun for all the family!

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you will seek out The Tower of London (A Royal Fortress, Palace, Prison and place of execution), locate the priceless and irreplaceable Crown Jewels, and judge the security of the Tower.

On the way The Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide) will help you locate the following: The Beefeaters and the Ravens – you must find out why they are both essential to the security of the Crown Jewels, then report back to the Holder of the Blue Badge.

Tickets not included: Tower of London. Prices can be found here, but please contact us before purchase so we can find the best way of doing things. 
Meeting Point: Hotel or at Sundial next to Tower Hill Underground Station
Ages: All ages are fascinated by the stories of the Medieval Tower. The Tower is toddler friendly, although a little difficult to push a buggy around as there are lots of cobbles, but it is possible. There are buggy parks where you can leave the buggy. No buggy access in the White Tower but they can be left outside. Lots of running around opportunities.

Your Royal London Adventure

If you want an historical experience choose the Westminster Abbey family tour.

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you will locate Westminster Abbey, the Church where Kings and Queens are crowned in the Coronation, explore it and assess whether the Abbey is suitable for a Coronation. If it is suitable, is it ready for one?

If the Queen’s Guards are Changing, you will watch and make sure they are protecting the Queen and her palace. If the Guards are not changing, you will walk around Royal London and hear stories of past Kings and Queens – decide which were good and which were bad, and report back to the Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide).

Tickets not included: Westminster Abbey. Prices for Westminster Abbey, but please contact us before purchase so we can find the best way of doing things.
Meeting point: Hotel or West Front of Abbey
Ages: This tour can be done for all ages. Westminster Abbey is very historic and not a lot of opportunities to run around but we can provide activities and stories suitable for little ones. Buggies not suitable in the Abbey – have you got a fold up one that can be carried or a baby carrier? Walk suitable for all ages with running around space, squirrels and ducks, and buggy suitable!  

Your British Museum quest

Even toddlers will be able to recognise a column by the end of this family experience at the British Museum!

Even toddlers will be able to recognise a column by the end of this family experience at the British Museum!

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you must locate the famous British Museum, which contains some of the most important objects from the ancient world.

You must find, with the help of the Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide): The Rosetta Stone (which allowed Egyptian Hieroglyphics to be deciphered), the famous Parthenon Marbles (Very important Ancient Greek Statues) and the Egyptian Mummies.

Can you find these objects so that the Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide) can tell you their secrets and help you understand their importance?

Tickets not included. None. The British Museum is free entry although donations are welcome.
Meeting Point: Hotel or central Cafe in Russell Square park.
Ages: All ages. Reins suggested for little ones in museums to stop them touching the objects and for your peace of mind. Walk gives lots of opportunities to run around, buggies suitable. There can be quite long queues for the British Museum in peak season, but we can regale you with stories while we wait and prepare for the visit within! Neal’s Yard and Covent Garden are fun for teenagers.

Your National Gallery adventure

You might not think teenagers, tweenies or toddlers would enjoy an art history tour... but give this tour a go - you might be surprised!

You might not think teenagers, tweenies or toddlers would enjoy an art history tour... but give this tour a go - you might be surprised!

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you must locate The National Gallery, one of the most important art galleries in the world.

The Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide) will help you locate and identify some of the most important masterpieces in the collection painted by very famous artists. Can you find by: Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli or Van Gogh – or have they been taken away, and if so why?  

If you can find the most important paintings, the Holder of the Blue Badge will tell you the stories behind the paintings, their hidden meanings, and the stories of the men and women who painted them.

Tickets not included: None. National Gallery is free entry, but donations welcome.
Meeting Point: Hotel or inside the Sainsbury Wing entrance on Trafalgar Square
Ages: all. Reins suggested for little ones in galleries to stop them touching the objects and for your peace of mind. Walk gives lots of opportunities to run around, buggies suitable. Street performers in Trafalgar square are fun for tweenies and teenagers.

Animals in westminster hunt

Once you and your family start looking you will discover animals everywhere on this London walking tour...

Once you and your family start looking you will discover animals everywhere on this London walking tour...

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you must locate The City of Westminster. The Holder of the Blue Badge has clues and riddles to help you locate and identify the sometimes well-hidden animal statues around the City of Westminster.

Unravel the clues and find these beasts so that the Holder of the Blue Badge can help you discover why they are there, what they mean and how they link to the history of Great Britain.

To begin with you must locate: A lion, a unicorn and a horse, but there are many, many others.

Tickets not included: None.
Meeting Point: Hotel or West Front of Westminster Abbey
Ages: all. Walk gives lots of opportunities to run around, buggies suitable.

Your St Paul's cathedral Adventure

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you must locate The People’s Church - St Paul’s Cathedral. You must discover why it is called the People’s Church - is it to do with World War II, or to do with Royal Weddings, or to do with it’s history? Can The Holder of the Blue Badge help you?

Once inside you must uncover the building’s secrets - what is the secret of the Dome? What is hidden in the crypt? Where is the architect buried?

Explore the Church with the Holder of the Blue Badge who can help you discover why they are there, what they mean and how they link to the history of Great Britain.

Tickets not included: Tickets needed for St Paul’s Cathedral, you can find prices here, but please contact us before purchase so we can find the best way of doing things.
Meeting Point: Hotel or Steps of St Paul's Cathedral.
Ages: All ages. Reins suggested for little ones to stop them touching the objects and for your peace of mind. Walk gives lots of opportunities to run around. If you walk up to the top of the Dome there are some tight spaces so not ideal for claustrophobia.

Your Hampton Court Palace adventure

A most stimulating tour for everyone in your family - words are not adequate - you have to see it for yourself!

A most stimulating tour for everyone in your family - words are not adequate - you have to see it for yourself!

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you will locate Hampton Court Palace, once home to the notorious Henry VIII. Can you find traces of his 6 wives, perhaps even the ghost of one who was beheaded?

With help from the holder of the Blue Badge can you identify the three different palaces - the Tudor Palace, the Stuart Palace, and the Hanovarian Palace? And finally can you find the golden gates, fish and enormous vine in the gardens? Report back to the Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide) to complete your mission.

Do you accept the Quest?


Tickets: Tickets needed for Hampton Court Palace. You can find prices here, but please contact us before purchase so we can find the best way of doing things. Train tickets from Waterloo to Hampton Court Palace.
Meeting Point: Entrance of Hampton Court Rail Station
Ages: all ages. Suitable for buggies although easier if you leave them in the buggy drop to explore the palace, and much of the garden is gravel, but I have done it with a buggy! Lots of opportunities to run around in the gardens, and visually it is a feast so lots of changes of environment which I find keeps young minds engaged.

Kensington Palace adventure

This family-friendly tour gives you a bit of everything - relationship gossip for the teenagers, some running around outside for the tweenies, lots of crawling for the toddlers and history, art and architecture for you!

This family-friendly tour gives you a bit of everything - relationship gossip for the teenagers, some running around outside for the tweenies, lots of toddling for the toddlers and history, art and architecture for you!

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you will locate the small but beautiful Kensington Palace, where many royals have lived.

You must locate the rooms of a princess called Victoria and find out about her childhood and how she prepared to become Queen. Ask the Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide) to tell you about the other royals of Kensington Palace, and decide what it takes to be a good King or Queen, and then report back to the Holder of the Blue Badge.

Do you accept the Quest?

Tickets: Tickets for Kensington Palace. you can find prices here, but please contact us before purchase so we can find the best way of doing things.
Meeting Point: Hotel or in front of Kensington Palace
Ages: all ages. Reins advised for Kensington Palace for crawlers. Lots of walking/running and fresh air in the parks if needed.

your World War II adventure

You can't plan your family travel experience without doing the Changing of the Guard Tour - great fun for all ages!

You can't plan your family travel experience without doing the Changing of the Guard Tour - great fun for all ages!

Accompanied by your guide, holder of the elusive Blue Badge, you will locate The City of Westminster, learn about its strategic importance as the heart of Government and Royal Power, and collect information on how Londoners survived bombing during the Blitz of World War II.

If the Royal Guards are Changing you will assess their readiness for battle.

Once completed, you must locate the secret underground bunker where Winston Churchill, the great wartime leader, directed World War II. You must gain access, judge it’s security and find the most secure room. Then report back to the Holder of the Blue Badge (your guide).

Do you accept the quest?

NB. Changing of the Guard does not take place everyday, and it will be called off if raining. We may be able to see Changing of the Horse Guard. We'll let you know what is possible.

Tickets: Tickets needed for the Churchill War Rooms.
Meeting Point:  Hotel or Entrance of Churchill War Rooms
Ages: Suitable for all ages. Toddlers love the music of the Changing of the Guard but I’d recommend reins as Changing of the Guard is very busy. Reins/baby carrier/buggy in National Portrait Gallery. Buggy suitable throughout tour.

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