We at Tours For My Kids have been developing some interactive workshops for your kids, for you as a family, or as a way for families to link up virtually and do something fun and educational in these times when travel can be difficult.

Workshops last an hour and your kids will be entertained with drawing activities to engage them on what they are learning, while also giving them something to keep and to build on should they want to.

It's fun to get everyone involved and see what mum and dad's drawings look like, or what the grandparent's puppet show character looks like! And many of the activities can be built on together.

Or, if you want to organise a group social event, then this could be done with groups of children online as a fun and structured social (and educational) event.

Do have a look at our list of workshops below and contact us for more information!

These are delivered via Zoom for which we will send you instructions.

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A Virtual River Cruise down the Thames

A great introduction to London!

So we can’t go to London, but London can come to us! We can take a virtual tour down the River Thames and pass by the must-see sites of London to start understanding the history of this amazing city and in turn, the history of Britain. As we go we will be making a picture map of the Thames with all the sites along the River to help you remember everything we talk about.

For this session you will need pen, paper (quite a lot – at least 7 sheets of A4 if possible), colours and scissors.

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London and the Ancient World – make your own gallery

We are going to see what we can find of the ancient world in London. We will collect things from Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt and make our own gallery of ancient London as we go. It will be revision of these ancient civilisations, and will help us notice the legacy of ancient history as we wonder around London and remind us that history is not something that exists only in the past, but something that affects our lives today.
What you need: c. 7 pieces of A4 paper (or similar); pencils; colours
scissors; (if you have it stickytape and blue tac or similar)

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Make-Your-Own-Puppet-Show: The Boudican Revolt

In this workshop we are going to make our own puppet show of the Boudiccan Revolt, an important early story in the history of Britain. We’ll learn about the Celtic heroine Boudica’s dramatic stand against the formidable might of the Roman Empire, we will make puppets of the key characters and sets, and then have a performance. Hollywood, here we come!

What you need: Paper; Pencils; Colours; Scissors; Glue/prit stick/Sellotape - 2 eggboxes (for 6 eggs) and 4 toilet rolls and a bit of thin cardboard (or just thin cardboard from food packaging or similar).

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Zeus & Friends: Make your Own Mythological Puppet Show

In this workshop we will make our own mythological puppet show about one of the most important stories in Greek mythology, The Judgement of Paris – which goddess will Paris decide is the most beautiful – Hera, Athena, or Venus – and what will the repercussions be? Let’s find out!
What you need: Toilet rolls (we will be using 4-6 toilet rolls) or you can use thin card from food packaging, etc, whatever you can find +
Scissors; Glue/Prit Stick (or something sticky like Sellotape or blutac); some A4 blank paper (lined is fine if that’s all you have got); Pencils and colouring in pens/pencils.

NOTE: There is some minor nudity from prints and paintings of the myth – this is fairly unavoidable in art.

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Greek Gods Family Tree -Part I

In this workshop we are going to start a Greek and Roman Gods Picture Family Tree (and if you would like you also do the Part 2 workshop to continue this family tree). In this session we concentrate on the big three – Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and their parents - their dad in particular was a bit odd!

We’ll find out how they were related, tell their stories, find out what their symbols are and put them in a family tree.

While we are at it we’ll think about what God you would be (and what you would look like) and writing your own story of the Gods with you as the starring character!

What you will need: paper; pencils; colours.


Greek & Roman Gods Picture Family Tree Part 2 - Zeus' Kids

In this Greek and Roman Gods Picture Family Tree workshop we will look at Zeus’ kids including like Apollo, Athena, Ares, Artemis, Mercury… We’ll tell their stories, find out what their symbols are and put them in a family tree. While we are at it, we’ll think about what God you would be (and what you would look like) and perhaps get you writing your own story of the Gods with you as the starring character!

If you want to do this with the Greek Gods Family Tree Part 1 then you will learn all about Zeus, his brothers Poseidon and Hades and their crazy parents.

What you will need: paper; pencils; colours.